Week05 Sprint 1 completed

Hi there,

This week we ended our first sprint. We made most of our hazards, almost finished our grab and launch mechanic and created some of our level assets.  Last week was our worst week in terms of communication, so we needed to change that. This week we had our weekly call on Friday and did an extra call on Monday, during these we discussed everything that needed to be done by this week and already thought ahead about upcoming weeks.  This resulted in our best week of communication, yet.


The goal of this sprint was to finish most of our launching mechanic and to create a couple of hazards. We still need to finish the aim assist and tune the mechanic a bit, but it is mostly finished, which means that we have reached our goal. The chainsaw is completed, it deals damage and makes you bounce upwards if you fall on it. We also made a laser that turns on and off and obviously deals damage when it is on. 


This week the artists adjusted some of their previous creations. We made everything look a bit cleaner and changed up some of the colours, now all of our assets have the same style. We finished all of the hazards, rigged our character and created a lot of our level assets.  The level slowly starts to come alive now.

What's next

Next week we start our second sprint. Our goal is to finish all of our gameplay and art assets. The programmers will be putting a priority on one of the main mechanics, which is our grapple and afterwards start working on some of the game systems like respawning and score handling. The artists will continue to work on the level, creating a background, animating the character, making particle effects and the HUD. 

Cya next week!

-The Extendo-Brawl team


Extendo-Brawl_BUILD_S1_2.zip 35 MB
Mar 29, 2022

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